Ari has created a simple checklist for your party to ensure everything goes smoothly on the day which may be of some help when organising your next birthday party for your child. Everything from planning before the party, to last minute reminders on the day. Hope it helps!

One to three months before the party
The earlier the better to ensure your entertainer's availability.
Ari gets bookings a year in advance so better to plan early to avoid disappointment.
Set the date of the birthday party
Decide on the location, make reservations etc.
Get your child to create a guest list; who is coming?
Decide if there is a theme for the party.
Hire Ari Phillips Magician for the Magic of Ari Children's Show :)
Confirm your venue booking
Plan your activities, games, bouncy castles, face painters etc. (It's important to let Ari know if you plan to have such activities as a bouncy castle as this can often be a distraction during the show and usually asked to be deflated. Ari would not recommend it necessary to have both unless you are planning on have a 3 hour plus party.)
Plan your menu, food. (Ari usually allows 20-30 mins max during his two hour parties.)
Source your party supplies. (Ari can also help provide party bags, mini magic tricks, wands and sweets if required.)
Two to three weeks before the party:
Send your invitations and ensure there are contact details with a R.S.V.P (don't forget to include the address and directions)
Plan your party cake or order one
Purchase the party bag items and game prizes (again Ari can also provide these if required)
Finalise your menu
One week before the party:
Order or gather together the chairs, tables, dishes, utensils, etc...
Make a final guest count. Make phone calls if necessary at this point
Plan for additional adult support / chaperones, if necessary
Place orders for food if needed
Confirm bookings / reservations (if applicable)
Confirm your gathering place is adequately prepared
Buy and wrap your gift for the birthday child
The day before the party:
Gift wrap any game prizes
Review the games/activities (if Ari has not been hired to run the party games).
Prepare and set up the decorations: bunting, streamers, piñata etc.
Decorate or collect the cake
Purchase drinks, ice and last min party food
Prepare party bags (if Ari is not supplying them)
Charge camera, make sure there is sufficient space on your phone etc.
On the day:
Have camera ready
Ensure toilets have plenty of paper, soap and towels etc
Have paper and pen ready to record who gave what present
Have a recycling bin ready for all the wrapping paper
Make sure your pets are secure and safe
Don’t forget to add those balloons to your letter box!
Have fun and enjoy the magic!